Meta Connect
Visuals developed for the 2022 Meta Connect visual identity. Inspired by Meta’s vision of VR as an extension of the real world, they explore the relationship between these elements—finding a balanced juxtaposition of real-life matter and the metaverse layer.
Meta’s new campus was the initial source of inspiration. The exposed materials in the building’s design became the base for the metaverse layer to be projected onto, with these raw elements acting as a drawing board for the kaleidoscopic patterns.
Aiming to strike the right balance between core brand and bespoke elements, the visuals led to a complete style guide, including website, session decks, an event package, social media assets and more.
- Client: Meta
- Year: 2022
- Developed at Buck
- Executive Creative Director: Kevin Walker
- Group Creative Director: Camille Chu
- Executive Producer: Justin Harris
- Creative Director: Fernando Bittar
- Producer: Adam Reeb, Fernanda Garcia Lopez
- Production Coordinator: Celine Nguyen, Kyjahana Irizarry
- Head of 3D / 3D Supervisor: Alex Dingfelder
- CG Lead: Kien Hoang
- Look Development: Cesar Barbosa, Fernando Bittar, Josefina Llano, Kevin Weber, Leandro Beltran, Marcio Flausino, Nachei Sanchez, Pedro Veneziano, Seba Morales, Vini Nascimento
- Design: Alex Kiesling, Atila Meireles, Dan Muangprasert, Danilo Rodrigues, Devin Mathews, Eduardo Gooda, Fernando Bittar, Florence Dagostini, Haeri Cho, Hanna No, James Kim, Noel Nunez-Caba, Yi Zheng